Sunday, 14 August 2011

Long time No update!

Assalamualaikum semua!
It's been a while, like a while tu maknenye months since I last updated my Blog!! Before the contest sampai lah ke sekarang. In between tu banyak je yang terjadi. I went to the vet lagi, then I shopped untuk barang my babies for raya, then my babies pindah condo baru :D Baaaaanyak sangat yang I wanna share with all of you! but I've been busy :(
Actually I've prepared a video untuk tontonan umum, but then ade problem meng-uploading that video. I think it's easier for me to talk than to type. But I still love typing. Anyway, bila ada rezeki dan jodoh video itu dengan blog ini, I will immediately post di sini.
So selamat berpuasa to all suggie owners, and to all suggies yang berpuasa. Well actually dorang puasa gak kan? Tapi buka lambat sikit. ehehehe
So this is just a short update while waiting for my iftar time. Kirim salam to all the suggies out there! Oh, and Ginger is has a baby in her pouch which DAH NAK keluar! :D

-ang! ang!-


  1. knp x postkn gmbr ginger yg de baby dlm pouch tu?

  2. Sebab tak nampak lagi kelibat baby tu. ehehe bonjol je ade. Pastu tu untuk my cousin:) So i xnak attach sgt..

  3. hye.. i nak tnye ckit.. i bli sg i bru 3 ari.. then sejak kblkgn ni dier slalu kencing and berak kat tgn i.. knpe ye? is it normal.. btw sg i jantan.. sgt risau..

  4. cantik blog baru ni. tu laa...da lame gak tak dengar u update pasal sg ni.

  5. salam kenal ...
    menghadiahkan Pujian kepada orang di sekitar adalah awal investasi Kebahagiaan Anda...
    di tunggu kunjungan balik.nya!

  6. engku reza...and i hav a lot of ques need to ask to u. im med students an d i lov sg...i hav a lot of bonding with my sg still weak..based on yor opinion?? camne ek?? its hard to bring him to classes..takot die me please:((
